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Loadout Level 02 Bag Update

Loadout Level 02 Bag Update

If you’ve completed the Soft Skills and Tactics (SST) course you’ll be very familiar with our overall Loadout Levels concept. If not, click here to review or download a free eight-page PDF document that offers an overview and includes all the Quick...

As the End Draws Near – Part Three

As the End Draws Near – Part Three

In parts One and Two of this series we discovered some important facts. First, Jesus taught that an end is coming. There is a date, known only to God, when everything we know will suddenly change forever. After a period of intense tribulation Jesus will return to...

The Call No One Wants

The Call No One Wants

Last Saturday my wife and I were enjoying a relaxing afternoon. We were working together on a puzzle spread out across a table that we have set up for this purpose. This is one of the few activities that gets my mind completely off almost anything else. I tend to get...

As the End Draws Near – Part Two

As the End Draws Near – Part Two

In Part One of this series we learned how Jesus made it clear to his Disciples that the end of time as we know it is approaching. They desperately wanted to know when this would take place and what the signs would be. Jesus explained that we won’t know the answer to...

Gun Cleaning Products

Gun Cleaning Products

When I was young I spent a good deal of time riding dirt bikes. My friends and I would ride our Yamahas, Hondas, Kawasakis, Suzukis, and even a few Husqvarnas in the mountains and woods of the Northeastern United States. It was an awesome time in life. After a while,...

As the End Draws Near – Part One

As the End Draws Near – Part One

The New Testament book of Matthew begins by presenting the context surrounding the birth and early life of Jesus. It continues as Jesus meets John the Baptist, faces intense temptation, and calls his first disciples to follow him. Beginning in chapter five, the...

SHOT SHOW and Marketing

SHOT SHOW and Marketing

It’s said that the spring-loaded mouse trap was patented in 1894. Ever since, inventors have been developing and marketing “a better mouse trap.” In fact, Hiram Maxim, inventor of the Maxim Gun, was said to have invented a mouse trap that automatically reset itself....

The Power of Giving Thanks

The Power of Giving Thanks

The world can be a dark place, and life can sometimes seem almost unbearable. When personal trials and tragedies take place within a larger context of political and economic turmoil, hope can seem distant and almost unattainable. And yet, no matter how difficult or...

Perimeter Alarm “Attack”

Perimeter Alarm “Attack”

On 22 April 2020, almost two years ago now, we published an article titled Covert Hardening. In this we shared an account of a situation that took place while I was in Yemen. This drove home to me the necessity of including a somewhat covert, outside-the-home early...

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