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After 20 Years – A New Ride
On June 28, 2002 we purchased a new 2003 Honda Pilot. This outstanding vehicle gave us twenty years and one month of excellent service. That’s over 7,300 days of safety and dependability. I don’t think anyone could ask for more. For the past three years or so we’ve...
Wrestling in Prayer
The book of Colossians is to some degree a manual of warfare for the Christ follower. It provided the early church with the ammunition needed to combat those seeking to alter the true message of biblical faith. The teachings contained in these four short chapters can...
Digital Charge Reminder
If you’re like us, you have digital and electronic security gear stashed across your loadout levels. These amazing items facilitate communications, light up the night, serve as force-multipliers, etc. We use some of these items on a daily basis, and so recharge them...
A Life-Changing Mindset
One of the most meaningful and enjoyable parts of my day is time spent in Scripture. Before opening God’s word in the morning I generally ask him to show me something he wants me to know. I pray that God will lead me to something in the reading for that morning that...
Honor, Permits, and Payments
On July 19, 2022 a Reuters headline included the following words, “Biden to sign executive order to deter wrongful detention of Americans abroad.” At any given time there are numerous American and other western expatriates being held by foreign governments. The...
To Fish or to Follow?
My wife and I have had the privilege of attending a number of excellent churches since placing our faith in Christ back in 1982. To us, an excellent church is one that faithfully seeks to live out and to share the message of biblical faith with love, gentleness,...
China: A Localized Banking Crisis
Imagine that you worked hard for decades and placed all your savings into a bank account. Suddenly you hear that customers of that bank have no access to their funds. This is what’s happening in several cities in China right now. This issue first appeared several...
To Delight in God’s Will
I have a reading schedule that generally involves a chapter of the Old Testament and a chapter of the New Testament most days. I enjoy working through God’s word in this way. Before I read, I like to pray that the Lord will renew my mind, that he will lead me closer...
Training for Times of Unrest
Things changed in the United States in mid 2020. Violent protests, demonstrations, and civil unrest were widespread across the Country as calls for social justice were made. Police, police stations, and civilians were attacked. Government buildings and private...
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