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Walking with God vs. Just Living
When I was young I spent a great deal of time at my grandmother’s home. I would often be dropped off there when my parents had things to do. I loved spending time with my grandmother. The problem was, she worked out of her home making curtains and furniture covers....
Losing Contact
My first experience serving with a small team overseas started in the mid 1980s. This lasted for the better part of a year. At that time we had only two ways of communicating back to the United States. Sending a letter was one option. This generally took a week or...
Keeping the Faith
After living a life filled with the joys and sufferings of serving Christ, Paul wrote at least two letters to a man named Timothy. This young man was among those whom Paul trusted to carry forward the work of faith to which Paul had devoted his life. Sensing that the...
A Tale of Two Realities
In the 1859 novel “A Tale of Two Cities,” Charles Dickens highlights the contrast between London and Paris. The setting is prior to and during the French Revolution of 1789-1799. Whereas after years of corruption Paris is embroiled in political and economic chaos and...
For several weeks I’ve been praying about the year 2022 as it approaches. There is, of course, nothing special about a new year other than the fact that it serves as a good time for reflection. The transition from one year to another provides an opportunity to reflect...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We hope and trust that you will enjoy a wonderful holiday season together with those you love. We look forward to resuming our normal posting schedule in January 2022. When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will...
The User Guide for 2022
Last month I turned sixty years old. Knowing that one of the ways I relax is watching documentaries, my wife purchased me a new television. Our old one was relatively small, and the picture was so bad that one could hardly discern how many people were in a particular...
Expanding Situational Awareness
There’s an old English adage that states, “He can’t see the forest for the trees.” This means that a person is so preoccupied with things that take place in his or her immediate surroundings that he or she loses sight of the larger context. Anyone who’s had any degree...
The Light of the World
The Christmas season is associated with a variety of meanings and memories. This time of year holds special significance for many individuals. Cherished moments recalled from Christmas times past are among the most warm and meaningful many hold within their hearts. At...
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