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Slaying Anxiety

Slaying Anxiety

Life in 2023 is difficult. The impact of isolation and the numerous life-adjustments brought about by the recent Pandemic remain poorly understood. Economic realities are causing hardships and despair for many. Political divisions driven by media outlets that champion...

Security Cameras: Wired vs. Wireless

Security Cameras: Wired vs. Wireless

This week our neighborhood hosted a gathering. This was a great opportunity to meet families who’ve recently moved into the area, and to catch-up with neighbors we’ve known for years. Part of the event included three local law enforcement officers who spoke about...

God’s Timing

God’s Timing

Not long ago I was sitting in what I call my prayer chair. This faces a window through which I can look out onto a small, green, forested area and contemplate life. That morning I was thinking about a prayer request that I have been faithfully bringing before the Lord...

A Level 4 Comms Option

A Level 4 Comms Option

In the online Soft Skills and Tactics (SST) Course we mention that every Loadout Level should include four essential gear categories. As shown in the image below, these are: A Means of Communication, Medical/Trauma Supplies, Self Defense Options, and...

Worn Weapons

Worn Weapons

If you’ve watched any interviews with Ukrainian soldiers fighting on the frontlines, you may have noticed something about their weapons. It’s often the case that their firearms are worn down to the bare metal in several places. The example above illustrates this to...

Home Fire Extinguishers

Home Fire Extinguishers

Reports of wildfires in Canada and the smoke they create have been in the headlines recently. A few weeks ago we had our own encounter with fire, but it was much closer to home. We keep a Weber grill in an outdoor porch that’s open on two sides. Our normal routine...

Digital Charge Reminder

Digital Charge Reminder

If you’re like us, you have digital and electronic security gear stashed across your loadout levels. These amazing items facilitate communications, light up the night, serve as force-multipliers, etc. We use some of these items on a daily basis, and so recharge them...

Seasons of Growth

Seasons of Growth

Fresh fruit available in western supermarkets can be delicious. And yet, fruit that’s been picked early and shipped to markets cannot compare with fruit ripened on the tree and picked a few moments before it’s enjoyed. While living overseas for years, our family...

Incident Response Outline

Incident Response Outline

Would you know what steps to take if someone called you to report an unexpected security Incident? Having an outline at such times can make a significant difference. This is especially the case when the situation is unfolding overseas, and is somewhat complex in...

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